Counting cards in blackjack is a popular strategy used by professional players to gain an edge over the casino

04 oktober 2023
Peter Mortensen

This technique involves keeping track of the cards that have been dealt, and using this information to make more informed betting decisions. In this article, we will explore the concept of counting cards in blackjack, its historical development, and provide valuable insights for individuals interested in casino games.


Counting cards in blackjack has long been a topic of interest among casino enthusiasts. While it may seem like a complex and mysterious practice, it is actually based on simple mathematics and observation. By keeping track of the cards that have been played, players can make better decisions regarding their bets, ultimately increasing their chances of winning.

What is Counting Cards in Blackjack?


Counting cards in blackjack involves assigning a value to each card that is dealt and keeping a running total. The most common system used is known as the Hi-Lo system, which assigns a value of +1 to low cards (2-6), 0 to neutral cards (7-9), and -1 to high cards (10-Ace). By mentally keeping track of these values, players can determine when the remaining deck is favorable for them or the dealer.

Benefits of Counting Cards:

Counting cards in blackjack provides several advantages to players who are willing to invest the time and effort to master the skill. These benefits include:

1. Increased Winning Potential: By keeping track of the cards, players can identify when the remaining deck has a higher proportion of high-value cards. This knowledge allows them to make more aggressive bets, increasing their chances of winning.

2. Ability to Adjust Strategy: Counting cards enables players to adapt their playing strategy based on the current count. When the count is in their favor, they can take advantage of doubling down, splitting pairs, and other favorable options.

3. More Effective Bankroll Management: As players have a better understanding of the state of the deck, they can adjust their betting sizes accordingly. This helps in optimizing their bankroll and minimizing losses during unfavorable conditions.

Historical Development of Counting Cards:

Counting cards in blackjack has a rich history that dates back to the 1950s when a group of mathematicians and statisticians known as the “Four Horsemen” developed the first systematic approach to card counting. Their research and subsequent publication of the groundbreaking book “Playing Blackjack to Win” sparked interest in the technique among players worldwide.

Over the years, various card counting systems have been developed and refined. These systems include the Hi-Lo system, Knockout system, and Zen count, among others. The publication of Edward O. Thorp’s “Beat the Dealer” in 1962 further popularized card counting and solidified its place as a legitimate strategy.

Despite its effectiveness, card counting became a point of contention between casinos and players. Many casinos implemented countermeasures, such as increasing the number of decks used or employing automatic shuffling machines, to make card counting more difficult. However, these measures have not deterred dedicated players from learning and utilizing this technique.

(Video showing a visual representation of how card counting works)


Counting cards in blackjack is a fascinating strategy that has captured the imagination of casino enthusiasts for decades. While it requires dedication, practice, and a keen eye for detail, it can provide players with a significant advantage over the casino. Understanding the concept of counting cards, its historical development, and its benefits can empower individuals interested in casino games to take their skills to the next level. So next time you sit at a blackjack table, consider trying your hand at card counting – it might just be your ticket to beating the house.


Can anyone learn how to count cards?

While counting cards requires dedication and practice, anyone with a basic understanding of math and the game of blackjack can learn the technique. It may take time to become proficient, but with consistent effort, anyone can improve their card counting skills.

Do all casinos allow card counting?

While card counting is not illegal, casinos have the right to refuse service to anyone they believe is using this strategy. Many casinos implement measures to make card counting more challenging, such as using multiple decks or automatic shuffling machines. However, some smaller or less strict establishments may still allow card counting.

Is counting cards in blackjack legal?

Counting cards is not illegal, but casinos frown upon this practice and may take countermeasures to make it more difficult. However, it is not against the law to use your intellect and observation skills to gain an advantage.

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